A set of 2 Enclave Power Armor helmets from Fallout 3 enamel pins in standard, and gold plating editions

A set of 2 Enclave Power Armor helmets from Fallout 3 enamel pins in standard, and gold plating editions

A set of 2 Enclave Power Armor helmets from Fallout 3 enamel pins in standard, and gold plating editions along with matching stickers and assorted The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim stickers

A set of 2 Enclave Power Armor helmets from Fallout 3 enamel pins in standard, and gold plating editions
Creator: Hoagie Originals
Where to Purchase: Hoagie Originals (Store Front)
Character & Series: Enclave Power Armor from Fallout 3
Merchandise Information: 38mm hard enamel pin on black nickel with a rubber clutch. Murdered variant has gold plating with all black enamel.
Personal Thoughts: I love the Enclave's aesthetics so much. Also, I got these as part of a Patreon pin club (no longer active, y'all missed out!), hence all the extra stickers and stuff in the other photos.