Mojave Express from Fallout: New Vegas envelopes

Muggy and Yes Man from Fallout: New Vegas hard enamel pin on a matching card backing

Yes man from Fallout: New Vegas hard enamel pin on a matching card backing

Mojave Express from Fallout: New Vegas envelopes
Creator: Clay Graham Art & Vaultt-tec
Where to Purchase: ClayGrahamArt (Etsy) and Hoagie Originals (Store Front)
Character & Series: Securitrons from Fallout: New Vegas
Merchandise Information: 2" hard enamel posts with 2 posts and black rubber backers, these were also blind bag (random) with 10 designs total. Pins are mounted on a matching card backing.
Personal Thoughts: I pulled my boys Muggy and Yes Man so I'm happy!! 🤗💖 I have Muggy on my Fallout ita bag and Yes Man on my Fallout pin board.