Black shot glass with Vault Boy from Fallout doing his arms crossed pose on one side, and the Fallout text logo on the other side

Black shot glass with Vault Boy from Fallout doing his arms crossed pose on one side, and the Fallout text logo on the other side

Black shot glass with Vault Boy from Fallout doing his arms crossed pose on one side, and the Fallout text logo on the other side

Black shot glass with Vault Boy from Fallout doing his arms crossed pose on one side, and the Fallout text logo on the other side
Creator: Just Funky
Where to Purchase: Spencer's (?)
Character & Series: Vault Boy from Fallout
Merchandise Information: Black glass shot glass with a Vault Boy graphic on one side, and Fallout text logo on the other side. The graphic and logo glow in the dark!
Personal Thoughts: A gift from Crystal Fae thank you!! 🥺💖